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- C A L H O O N U N I V E R S I T Y
- Program and Text by Bob Markland
- As we begin the second semester at CALHOON UNIVERSITY you should be
- pleased to learn that the campus has undergone some remodeling and the
- curriculum has been expanded. There is now a file requester that searches
- for all files with a "CU." prefix and allows any of several different
- quizzes to be selected from a menu.
- You should seriously consider dedicating a disk to CALHOON UNIVERSITY,
- then use LOADSTAR's copy function to transfer all necessary files from
- LOADSTAR. Following this you can use any file copier to transfer "TV
- Trivia 101" from the first semester, and copy any new quizzes to your disk
- as they are published.
- To use the file requester, press CRSR DOWN/UP to highlight the desired
- quiz, then press RETURN to select it. In the event of a disk error the
- Dean's List is displayed. Correct the error and press [T] to try again, or
- press [D] to drop out of school. To escape the directory menu press [Q],
- then respond to the choices on the Dean's List.
- -------------------
- At CALHOON UNIVERSITY each quiz consists of up to 100 questions and
- offers 4 multiple-choice answers. Use CRSR DOWN/UP to highlight the correct
- answer and press RETURN to enter your choice. Or sit back in your favorite
- chair and use a joystick in port 2. Select and enter your choice with
- DOWN, UP, and FIRE.
- Questions are presented in a different random order each time the
- program is run to enhance learning value. In addition to the questions and
- answers the screen display indicates the number of questions presented, the
- previous high score, the point value for the current question and the
- cumulative score for the current quiz.
- --------
- BLACK HISTORY -- CALHOON UNIVERSITY is pleased to acknowledge Hollis
- Hite as its first guest professor. His quiz takes an in-depth look at
- notable African-Americans from sports, entertainment, politics and more.
- WORLD CURRENCIES -- This quiz tests your knowledge of the standard
- monetary unit of 50 countries around the world. Many countries use the
- same name for their currency -- dollars, pesos, francs, etc. For the
- purpose of this quiz, assume that each possible answer is prefixed with the
- name of the country. (e.g. the Luxembourg Franc and the Guinean Franc are
- separate and distinct currencies). Also discount the fact that many
- countries are eager to accept American currency.
- ----------
- The scoring system rewards consistently correct answers. The point
- value begins at 1. With each correct answer the point value is increased
- by 1. An incorrect answer resets the point value. There is no further
- penalty for incorrect answers and the quiz continues until all questions
- have been answered. The valedictorian will score 1275 points on 50
- question quizzes.
- Following each quiz the Dean's List displays the top 10 students. If
- your score qualifies you for honors a cursor appears on the appropriate
- line so that you may enter your name. Type from 1 to 10 characters and
- press RETURN to record your score.
- From the Dean's List you may elect to try another quiz or quit. You may
- also quit a quiz in progress by pressing [Q] at the start of any question.
- In this case you will be taken to the Dean's List, but are not considered
- for honors, regardless of your current score. Your options are: Try a new
- quiz, Continue with the quiz in progress, or Drop out of school. When you
- drop out of school, the program searches for a LOADSTAR disk in the active
- drive. If none is found you are returned to BASIC.
- --------------------
- Professor emeritus Knees Calhoon is actively recruiting guest
- professors. America's schools are suffering from a shortage of good
- teachers, and CALHOON UNIVERSITY is no exception. To date, Hollis Hite and
- others have picked up the gauntlet and so can you.
- There are two ways to become a guest professor:
- (1) Follow the instructions given below and submit a completed quiz.
- (2) If you're not inclined to structure and test a quiz in CALHOON
- UNIVERSITY format, submit a hard or disk copy of any word processed
- multiple-choice quiz, clearly indicating which answer possibility is
- correct. Preferably, quizzes should be 50 to 100 questions each, but a
- series of shorter quizzes will be considered too.
- If you would rather just sit back and enjoy the curriculum, but have a
- topic that particularly interests you, give Fender some feedback. The most
- requested topics will definitely be used in future quizzes.
- ------------------
- It's not at all difficult to put together a quiz, whether it's for
- submission to LOADSTAR or simply for your own educational or entertainment
- purposes.
- (1) Use EDSTAR II (published on various issues of LOADSTAR for the C-64)
- or any word processor that allows you to save a PETASCII file in PRG
- format.
- (2) Begin the file on the first character of the first line with a six-
- letter or shorter identifier that ends with a period. The "Black History"
- quiz, for example, uses "bkhist." This will be the filename prefix for the
- "Dean's List" which is unique to each quiz.
- (3) The second line will identify you as the author. Use ALL lowercase
- and enter: quiz by: hollis hite, followed by a GREATER THAN sign (>).
- (4) The third line must say "Calhoon University". (Note the required use
- of the uppercase "C". This distinguishes the file from the C-64 version
- which uses "Professor Calhoon" on this line.
- (5) Line 4 is the name of the quiz in upper-lower case. You may use as
- many lines as you need, but restrict their length to 64 characters. EDSTAR
- II only allows 40-character lengths, so if you want longer lines you need
- to use a word processor. THE WRITE STUFF is recommended.
- (6) Follow this with two blank lines.
- (7) This is the area for up to 100 questions. Each question consists of
- 10 lines (no more/no less) in this format:
- (not part of the file)
- Q-1 ;Question number
- #a ;Answer indicator
- question line 1 ;If line 2 isn't
- question line 2 ;needed use a single asterisk
- * ;Spacer, this must be an asterisk
- answer a ;
- answer b ;
- answer c ;
- answer d ;
- blank line ;Separates questions
- Use all lowercase for the questions and answers.
- Question lines may be up to 64 characters long.
- If you do not need question line 2, enter a single asterisk (*).
- A single asterisk MUST separate the questions from the answers.
- Answers may be up to 22 characters long.
- Do not use the number sign (#) except for identifying the correct answer.
- Do not use the double quote (") anywhere. If you want a double quote to
- appear in your question or answer, use the AT sign (@).
- Do not use the less than sign (<) except on the last line of the quiz.
- Do not use the greater than sign (>) except at the end of the author
- line.
- You may use the English Pound sign for an underline character in the
- question. Use five of them for a reasonable length blank. It's not a good
- idea to use the English Pound in EDSTAR II. It's used for something else
- and there may be conflicts.
- (8) End the quiz with a LESS THAN sign (<) on a line by itself. This is
- ESSENTIAL! To accommodate quizzes of different lengths the program must
- know where each quiz ends.
- (9) Save the file as a PETASCII PRG file with a "cu." prefix. EDSTAR
- will ask you to enter the file type.
- NOTE: For quizzes with fewer than 76 questions, EDSTAR will work fine.
- For longer quizzes you will need to use a word processor like THE WRITE
- STUFF. There are two ways to do it:
- (1) Write the quiz making sure you have NO reversed codes in the text and
- press CTRL-A (for PETASCII mode), then press CTRL-S (for save), delete the
- preceding hyphen, enter "cu." then your file's name, or:
- (2) Write the quiz and set the margins to lm0 rm16 tm0 bm0. Then go to
- the print menu and "Print to disk". At the filename prompt enter
- "cu.filename,p,w" without the quotes.
- Here is a short sample of how a quiz file might look:
- tvt1.
- quiz by: bob markland>
- Calhoon University
- Television Trivia 101
- Q-1
- #d
- name the occupation of jackie gleason as
- ralph kramden, on the honeymooners.
- *
- sewer worker
- longshoreman
- bartender
- bus driver
- Q-2
- #b
- the red skelton show frequently
- featured a character named \\\\\.
- *
- dudley doright
- freddy freeloader
- manny the moocher
- deadbeat dan
- Once your quiz file, with a "cu." prefix has been saved to a disk
- containing the version of CALHOON UNIVERSITY found on this issue, the file
- requester will recognize it. To test your quiz, select it from the menu
- and go through all of the questions. Look for typos or anything that
- corrupts the screen or format. Go back and edit the quiz, as necessary,
- then test again.
- The five most common problem areas are:
- Format errors in the header (lines 1-4).
- Missing carriage returns at the end of a question or answer line.
- Too many or too few lines for each question.
- Use of prohibited characters or improper use of uppercase characters.
- Lines exceeding 64 characters for questions or 22 characters for answers.
- You may prefer to simply test your knowledge with CALHOON UNIVERSITY's
- course offering and perhaps say to yourself along the way, "I never knew
- that." On the other hand, LOADSTAR subscribers are a diverse lot. So if
- you have an interest or special knowledge in almost any subject area this
- is a perfect forum in which to share it.
- KNEES' POSTMUMBLE: Bob Markland has done such a good job on CALHOON
- UNIVERSITY and PROFESSOR CALHOON (on LS 64) that I've given him tenure as
- the Quiz Editor for LOADSTAR. So when you send me a quiz I pass it on to
- him and he decides whether to edit it and return it to me for future
- publication. Therefore I can't tell you right away if it will be used or
- not. Bob can easily take care of typos and minor formatting problems but
- we must rely on you to make sure the answers are accurate. We would prefer
- that you list your sources and references for the quizzes. That way we can
- pass that on when we publish it. It will make us look like we know what
- we're talking about.
- By the way, if you find an error in any of the answers, we of course
- expect you to send us a nitpicking letter about it. Nitpicking is a way of
- life these days and we try to promote it as much as possible. However,
- don't expect us to do much about any errors you find. We just want to
- know.
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\